This gargantuan DLC sized mod brings a fully voiced 30+ hour adventure in a completely new land. The focus is on without bundling any assets or re-distributing any mods. A few of the best Skyrim mods available on the PS4 include Character Editor, Weapons and Magic of Skyrim, and Realm of Lorkhan, with a library that’s slowly but surely growing.

The general procedure is download the Modlist which comes as a. This folder must not be in a common folders like your Desktop, Downloads or Program Files folder. Wabbajack is essentially a mod pack tool. wabbajack file, opening Wabbajack, clicking on the Install From Disk button, configuring Install and Download Location and hitting start. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I must master it as I must master my life. Realistic Light Overhaul (RLO) This is the best and most comprehensive lighting mod, but it’s not 100% confirmed that it really works with Skyrim VR.