Divinity original sin 2 crafting spells
Divinity original sin 2 crafting spells

Summoning 2 + Fire 2 = Necrofire Infusion (teach minion Fireball and Epidemic of Fire).Summoning 2 + Water 2 = Ice Infusion (teach minion Restoration and Steam Lance).Summoning 2 + Air 2 = Cursed Electric Infusion (teach minion Electric Discharge and Closed Circuit).Summoning 2 + Earth 2 = Acid Infusion (teach minion Poison Dart and Acid Spores).Fire 2 + Scoundrel 2 = Mass Sabotage (detonate two explosives in a foe’s inventory).Fire 2 + Hunter 2 = Mass Exploding Traps (deploy multiple explosives).Fire 2 + Warfare 2 = Master of Sparks (apply Sparking Swings to your party).

divinity original sin 2 crafting spells

Fire 2 + Necromancer 2 = Mass Corpse Explosion (detonate all corpses in your vicinity).Polymorph 2 + Earth 2 = Poisonous Skin (immune to poison and earth, bleed poison when hit, reduced resistance to air).Polymorph 2 + Air 2 = Jellyfish Skin (immune to electric damage, reduced resistance to poison and earth).Polymorph 2 + Water 2 = Icy Skin (immune to water damage, bleed ice when hit, reduced resistance to fire).Polymorph 2 + Fire 2 = Flaming Skin (immune to fire damage, bleed fire when hit, reduced resistance to water).Earth + Summoning = Poison Infusion (Teach minion Poison dart).Earth + Scoundrel = Venom Coating (Inflicts Poison).Earth + Hunter = Throw Dust (damage and blind enemies, negates cloud and surface statuses).Earth + Warfare = Oily Carapace (gain physical armor from oil).Earth + Polymorph = Turn to Oil (Transmute liquids to oil to remove status effects).Earth + Necromancy = Corrosive Spray (Spray enemies in acid with a conal attack.).Water + Summoning = Water Infusion (teach a minion Restoration using Water magic).Water + Scoundrel = Vampiric Hunger (Drain life force from enemies for two turns).Water + Hunter = Cyrotherapy (Use ice magic to improve armor).Water + Warfare = Cleanse Wounds (remove status effects including burn, disabled, decay, poison and bleed).Water + Polymorph = Healing Tears (heal nearby allies).Water + Necromancy = Blood Rain (Inflicts Bleed).Air + Summoning = Electric Infusion (teach a minion Electric Discharge).Air + Scoundrel = Smoke Cover (Create a cloud).

divinity original sin 2 crafting spells

  • Air + Hunter = Erratic Wisp (Target is warped to a random spot on hit).
  • Air + Warfare = Breathing Bubble (Makes you immune to clouds and suffocating).
  • divinity original sin 2 crafting spells

    Air + Polymorph = Vaporise (cures petrification and frozen, pass through surfaces).Air + Necromancy = Vacuum Touch (simultaneously damages, suffocates, and silences).Fire + Summoning = Fire Infusion (teach a minion Fireball).Fire + Scoundrel = Sabotage (detonate explosives on a target).Fire + Hunter = Explosive Trap (blow enemies to bits).Fire + Warfare = Sparking Swings (physical attacks spread to other targets).

    divinity original sin 2 crafting spells

  • Fire + Polymorph = Bleed Fire (enemies light nearby objects on fire when hit).
  • Fire + Necromancy = Corpse Explosion (detonate a corpse).

  • Divinity original sin 2 crafting spells