Stalker: Call of Pripyat is no exception to these generalizations, but it does add something entirely unique to the current FPS genre atmosphere. E.Most first person shooters nowadays feature realistic graphics, addictive gunplay, and psychotic enemies hell bent on destroying the world…or you.Temporarily removed Open Scopes option until better version is made or found.Įnsure CoM 1.0c or 1.0d w/ English Translation are installed, drop gamedata into main Call of Misery folder, drop in desired optional files in similar fashion. V0.3 - Fixed trader files for 1.0d compatibility.

NPC grenades are still a bit ridiculous, so they are disabled by default, they can be re-added via the Optional files. V0.2 - Added Open Scopes in Optional files.

Fixed NPC's grenade mayhem (Thanks bi0nicman for the fix!) They now throw less often and less accurately, no more grenades landing directly at your feet every time. V0.1 - Attempted to fix crash caused by wpn_sig220 MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND IN THE README.TXT's, EACH OPTIONAL FILE HAS ITS OWN

This is Arsenal Overhaul ported to Call of Misery in English, includes edits to weapon degradation rates to match Misery's and three optional files: If you have any additional addons, try running Misery+AO alone to be sure it is not caused by the AO. If you get any "can't open wpn_(insert gun here)" errors, I suggest reinstalling both misery and AO, I do not know why such an error occurs since I cannot recreate it. NOTICE: This port is a translation of Dimeyne's version originally for 1.0c, it may not be balanced for 1.0d although it does work.